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Sassy Faerie Princess_Sassy Ever After Page 5

  “Tell me about yourself. How did you end up here, with us?”

  Leaning against the wall, he let his gaze roam the length of her body, starting with those killer legs. He imagined spreading her open and sliding into her slick heat. He could see the small, round hill of her mound beneath the clingy dress and wondered if she would shave for them. Or better yet, maybe she’d let them shave her. Trevor and Brady routinely assisted each other with grooming. Both preferred the feel of a smooth, hairless groin and balls against their lips and tongues. They would enjoy shaving Serena’s pussy before devouring her soft, feminine flesh.

  To be honest, Brady wasn’t the only one pulling a one-eighty. Trevor didn’t want to want Serena this much, but he couldn’t deny the intense desire. Still, there were a lot of obstacles they’d have to overcome.

  Possessive feelings stirred within him at the idea of her leaving. Greedy bastard that he was, Trevor wanted to secure a part of her that belonged only to him. The realization shocked him. Already he harbored intense feelings for her. She’d magically gotten under his skin and into his heart at first sight. Yet no matter how greedy he felt toward her, he could imagine nothing better than sharing Serena with Brady.

  Could she be the very thing Brady had been missing? Was it stupid of him to harbor hope?

  Saving that idea for future contemplation, he continued drinking in every luscious inch. Flared hip bones stood out on either side of her flat abdomen. Trevor made a mental note to ensure she ate more because, in his opinion, she was too thin. He doubted she’d had many hot meals lately, but they’d fix that.

  The elegant dress molded to high, firm breasts, the square neckline revealing the creamy upper curves of full breasts, tempting his lips. He ached to run his tongue over the sharp angle of jutting collarbones.

  Niggling doubts arose concerning where a desperate, homeless woman got expensive clothes. Had she broken in to other homes? Shoplifted? He quickly dismissed the idea reasoning that the clothes had probably been donated to the mission. Tina had a way of gaining the help of those with big hearts and bigger wallets.

  The ongoing fear of rejection Serena faced was apparent in the slight trembling of her jaw and the stress lines crossing her furrowed brow. While he wanted to ease her worry, he needed to hear the details of how she had come to them. Hell, he wanted to know everything about her.

  “It’s okay, beautiful, take your time. I’ve got all night,” he teased.

  Her stunning green gaze locked with his, and Trevor noticed some of the tension ease out of her body. In contrast, he tensed as her outlandish story began to flow. At first, he admired her storytelling skills. She had an incredible imagination. It made him wonder if she was a writer. But as the story became more fantastical, doubts swelled. He wanted to believe Serena. She was so passionate with the telling, yet it was just too far out there.

  Faeries, magic portals guarded by elves, wishes granted by the man in the moon…oh my! Perhaps she really had escaped from a mental facility. Next, she’d be talking about the old woman who lived in the shoe and the muffin man.

  A dull pain pounded in his temple, signaling an oncoming headache, and anger surged within him. When it got to the point he just couldn’t take anymore, Trevor held up a hand to silence her.

  “You know what? As much as I enjoy a good tall tale, this one is ridiculous. Hell, before long I’ll need hip boots to wade through all the bullshit.” He stood and began pacing next to the bed. “You don’t want to tell me the truth…fine. We’ll still help you. Just do yourself a favor and don’t try that story on Brady or you’ll find yourself thrown out in the cold.”

  Serena sat up straighter, tilting her chin a little higher. “But—”

  Trevor paused in his pacing and held up a hand. “Don’t. Just don’t. You will tell Brady that you weren’t able to remain at the homeless shelter and Tina brought you here. End of story.”

  He stalked from the room, shaking his head. A small part of him wanted to believe every word she’d said. Serena seemed convinced it was the truth, which made him believe the real story would likely be tragic. It was entirely possible she’d blocked the memory in an attempt at self-preservation. The truth could be too horrible to accept, so she’d dreamed up an alternate reality.

  Plopping down next to Brady, he didn’t even have to look up at the images flickering on the television to know what he would see. Whenever his lover was troubled or sullen, he would turn on old black-and-white movies. Something about simpler times settled Brady.

  The arm he’d draped over the back of the couch settled around Trevor’s shoulders and he snuggled close against Brady’s side. He drew strength from the loving embrace.

  He had no idea how long they sat like that, neither one really watching the movie, until Brady picked up the remote and turned it off, signaling his readiness to talk.

  “So, what’s the deal with the princess?” he joked.

  Trevor had done nothing but think about how to answer this inevitable question and decided to be both truthful and evasive.

  “The only thing I’m sure of is that she’s been through a traumatic ordeal and needs our help. I think it’ll take her some time to trust us enough to tell the whole story. Until then, we just need to be patient and gentle.”

  Well, as patient and gentle as possible while fucking her senseless.

  “We’re going to take this stranger into our home?” Brady incredulously sputtered. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Trevor. And yet at the same time the thought of letting her leave pisses me off.”

  Trevor sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about her. She’s needs us, I can sense it. And I know you feel it. She’s…special.”

  “Special? Yeah, short bus window-licker special,” Brady said with a humorless chuckle. “Or maybe padded cell special.”

  Trevor playfully punched Brady’s side. “Stop it, you jerk. You’re the one who said we’re keeping her. Even pleaded with me to promise.”

  Brady shrugged. “That was when I wanted to fuck her.”

  He swung around for another punch, but Brady anticipated the move, blocking it with ease, and pulled Trevor into his body.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” Brady said in a husky tone as his fingers latched onto the material covering Trevor’s erection. “Hell, you’re still hard for her.”

  No sense trying to deny the obvious. He shivered as anticipatory heat raced along his spine. Now Brady would break out the verbal foreplay.

  “Can’t you picture it? Both of us nibbling on the soft curves of those stunning breasts, sucking on her nipples until they’re puckered tight. I bet they’re a lush strawberry color, like her lips. We’ll shave her then take turns eating her sweet pussy. Sink our cocks into the wet clench of her cunt. Fill her at the same time, one of us fucking her pussy, the other drilling her ass. Imagine the friction of our cocks stroking against each other through her.”

  Having turned himself on, Brady groaned, his fingers tightening on Trevor’s swollen cock. His other hand went to the back of Trevor’s neck, pulling him forward. Their mouths came together forcefully, lips parting and tongues twining in a heated battle. Trevor felt the need to dominate and control rolling off of Brady. Could taste it in the demanding kiss. He could give that to his lover, let him have the control…for now.

  Breaking apart, he looked into Brady’s dilated eyes, dark and wild with hunger.

  “On your knees, lover boy,” Brady commanded. “You’re going to suck me off.”

  Trevor didn’t hesitate to slide down onto the floor, spreading Brady’s legs and filling the space between. He loved it when Brady issued commands, but he would still do things his own way. Give and take, that’s how their relationship worked.

  Taking his time, he stroked his hands over muscular thighs until reaching his target. He teased the solid ridge of swollen flesh through the thick denim. Leaning forward, Trevor pressed his lips over the base of Brady’s shaft and
blew a hot stream of air directly against his cock, which jerked in reaction. He teased with hands, teeth, and warm breath until Brady writhed on the couch, demanding he finish what he’d started.

  “I will, but first I want to hear the words. We are going to let the pixie stay. She belongs with us.”

  “Fine,” Brady gritted out from between tightly clenched teeth, “but she’s your responsibility.”

  He almost laughed at the similarity to Brady’s response from when Trevor brought home Flirt and teased out Brady’s agreement.

  Trevor knew Serena lurked nearby in the shadows of the hallway, watching and listening. He’d sensed the minute she drew close. Flirt confirmed his suspicion by thumping his tail against the floor in excitement.

  She may not be comfortable enough to join them yet, but soon. He wouldn’t wait long to have Serena sandwiched between them. The desire for a ménage may have initially been Brady’s but Trevor had been bitten by the same bug and could think of nothing sweeter.

  Tremors ran through her body, and her skin tingled as Serena watched the men from her hiding spot in the passageway. A sense of relief filled her when Brady agreed to let her stay, but his descriptive words. Feck!

  Hearing the things they would do with her sexually had her aching. Her nipples tightened, her pussy clenched, and a hot gush of arousal coated her inner thighs. She wasn’t sure what shaving meant but liked the sound of having the men taking turns eating her.

  Watching them make love to each other was thrilling. They wrestled until Brady caged Trevor beneath him, each man’s head at the other’s cock. She enjoyed the play of powerful muscles rippling in a sensual dance, each motion bringing tension to their masculine forms. Large hands played over writhing bodies as the music of their pleasure filled her head and the musky scent of their sex bombarded her senses.

  Her body begged for her to join them. Just whisk off her clothing and slide right into the middle of all that pleasure. She wanted it with all her heart, but the fear of rejection weighed heavy in her mind. To have them push her away would be more than she could withstand. Did she dare trust them with her heart?

  Right now, her life depended on these two humans. Serena didn’t know how to return to Fae, if she even wanted to, or what she’d face should she make it back. The queen would not be pleased with Serena’s adventure, regardless if she managed to ensure the faefolk’s continued existence. Her mother would likely dish out a harsh punishment, unconcerned that it had been a wish allowing her to travel.

  And if she did stay here with the lads, what would become of her? Faeries were not immortal, but they didn’t age in the same way as humans. Trevor and Brady would grow old and die, leaving her alone while she still had many years left.

  No, she would not even contemplate living without them. Already both men had captured her heart.

  Chasing away maudlin thoughts, Serena once again focused on the men. They were beautiful and sensual. She would center her attention on them and see as much of this wondrous realm as she could. With any luck, Trevor and Brady would grow to accept and love her, and, one day, she would not be standing in the shadows watching. Instead, she would be joining in on their love making.

  When that day came, Serena would revel in the brush of masculine hands over her skin, the clench of fingers pulling her closer. They would learn how to please each other and spend long hours loving in every conceivable way.

  As she watched, Brady massaged and spread the firm globes of Trevor’s ass, a single finger circling the tight, puckered hole, eliciting a deep, raw growl. They shifted positions, and she could see each set of reddened lips stretched around a magnificent cock, tongues and teeth consuming, delighting.

  She ran her hands over her body in the way she hoped Trevor and Brady soon would, cupping tender breasts, plucking at aching nipples. Serena had to sink her teeth into her lip to keep from crying out her pleasure.

  As she’d done the first time she’d watched the two men, she pulled the hem of her dress up to her waist, spread her legs, and teased her swollen folds. The rasp of fingernails over such sensitive flesh sent a flurry of sensations into her abdomen. Her fingers slid with ease over her swollen sex, which had never been quite so wet before.

  Without hesitation, she drove two fingers into the tight clasp of her channel, thumb circling her distended nub. She matched the thrusts of Brady’s finger into Trevor’s clenched ass.

  Tugging down the neckline of the dress, she freed one breast, twisting her nipple, enjoying the slight bite of pain as fiery jolts shot down to her core. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as she bit down harder, trying to suppress her passion, not wanting the men to know she watched. At the same time, it would be a relief for them to discover her standing in the shadows pleasuring herself.

  Serena could almost taste the salty flavor as she imagined having one of their cocks in her mouth, the other pounding into the flesh where her fingers played. Body primed and ready, her inner walls spasmed. Legs going weak, she had to lean against the wall for support.

  Trevor and Brady were also close. Their moans grew louder, their movements faster. She could see the tight ring of muscle Brady’s finger penetrated clenching against the invader. The round, hairless sac between his legs had drawn taut in preparation of releasing its seed.

  An orgasm swept over her hard and fast. Hot cream gushed from her body, spilling into her palm while she rode her hand. Ecstasy exploded through her nub, spreading outward in blissful waves. A small, strangled gasp escaped her lips, but the men seemed too overcome with their own release to notice.

  Shuddering and panting, Serena brought herself back down with the slow stroking of her fingers over still excited flesh.

  Brady and Trevor spoke softly, sharing tender caresses and light kisses. The scene melted her heart. Greater than her desire for adventure or her lust for exploring, she wanted to be a part of such a divine love.

  Stumbling back to the bed chamber, Serena kicked off the cursed, painful shoes and climbed onto the big bed. Snuggling deep into the pillows, she was engulfed in their masculine scents, making her feel safe and protected.

  Sometime later, she heard the men enter the room and discuss sleeping arrangements, both refusing to sleep on something called a couch. She heard the rustle of clothing as they changed into night clothes then climbed into the bed, one on either side of her.

  Male heat surrounded Serena as she fell into a deep, contented sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Waking to find a woman wrapped up in his arms shocked the hell out of Brady. Although he had fucked women before, it had been a long time. And he’d never spent the entire night with one. Damn if she didn’t feel good though.

  Serena’s head was pillowed on his shoulder, the silky cascade of her hair teasing his torso, the soft curve of her breasts pressing into his side. One leg was hiked up over his hip, and he could feel the heat of her pussy blanketing his morning wood.

  Peering over her slender shoulder, he saw Trevor spooned against her back, one arm draped over her waist, his hand on her bare thigh.

  Lord, how he’d dreamed of this, wished for it even. But he wasn’t sure about Serena. The fact she’d been able to get past the alarm system and into their house bothered him. Considering she’d been homeless, he figured she’d picked up a lot of dubious street skills. While he hadn’t heard the explanation she gave Trevor, he knew it had to have been a doozie; otherwise, Trevor would have shared.


  He loved Trevor so much it hurt sometimes. Their relationship was more important than anything else, including his art. He wouldn’t let Serena come between them, but it was clear Trevor was already attached to her.

  Hell, no sense lying to himself. She’d wormed her way under his skin, too. There was just something about her. An elusive, magnetic force drawing all of them together. Didn’t hurt that she was a sexy siren either.

  She shifted against him, slender fingers sliding over the ridges of his chest, coming to a st
op with the tips resting against his nipple, which puckered. Her leg hiked up higher, bringing the heat at her apex in firmer contact with his aching cock. If it wasn’t for the briefs Trevor had made him put on last night, he’d be able to feel her pussy lips kissing his shaft.

  The dress she still wore had bunched at her hips. A small tug on the material would reveal that round ass. He couldn’t resist. Pulling the dress slow and easy, the sweet curves of her gorgeous ass were exposed, inch by glorious inch. Correction, her gorgeous bare ass. Serena didn’t have any panties on.

  Taking Trevor’s hand, he guided it up her body, using it to hold the dress out of his way. Brady liked that placement much better, not that he’d been jealous or anything.

  Letting his fingers do some walking, he caressed the smooth curve of her hip before teasing along one firm globe. He imagined clutching her hips and watching her ass bounce with each thrust as he fucked her from behind. His cock liked the idea, too, jerking against the briefs keeping them apart.

  The heated flesh between her legs created an irresistible lure which severely tested his control. But hey, what the hell? Why not indulge? She was in his bed, between him and his lover, draped wantonly over his body. Why should he deny his natural impulses?

  Brady searched for a good reason but failed to find one. Of course, he hadn’t tried too hard.

  Trailing his fingers down the deep crevice, he paused to circle the tight little pucker of her anus. The sultry temptress shifted the leg draped over him, opening herself wider to his exploration, begging for his touch.

  Moving lower, his fingers came into contact with the moist, plump, bare folds of her slit.


  He bit his lip to silence a moan as hot, slick juices coated his fingers. Lord, help him. All the hair had been removed from her silky soft pussy.

  Bringing his fingers to his mouth, Brady sucked them. The sweet-tangy taste of her cream exploded over his tongue, making him crave more. He wanted to flip her onto her back, spread those lovely legs, and dive right in, consuming every decadent drop.